The media are lowlife scum; they lie for profit. They're no better than Nazi disinformation con artist liars. Their ranks are dominated by low-IQ woke drones who regurgitate the lies spoonfed to them by the pedophile leftist regime. I'd never trust a media clown. They're beneath contempt.

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When you stumble into the meeting of brain dead anonymous……,

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You are a Donald Trump supporter? Wow man I assumed you a better person than that

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Well isn’t that a stab at my intellect?

To say “you’re a Trump supporter” would be to suspend all manner of nuance.

It’s T or B as it stands.

There is no reason I should vote for a president who’s administration violates my 1st amendment rights and fights to continue to do in the courts, and tries to violate my second amendment rights on top of it.

Trump has defended the 1st amendment.

It’s literally as simple as that for me. I don’t care about anything else.

We have no “democracy”, rather a republic if we have no freedom of speech.

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If I had a say, it’d be neither. But that’s not the reality of the situation we’re in.

I may still write in someone else.

But I sure as hell won’t vote for another Biden presidency.

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Mar 20Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Ignorant Libtard media has twisted the words of Trump - yet the sheep of the Democratic party slurp it up —- QUESTION: How stupid are libera democrats? really, I want to know https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/conservatives-fume-over-alleged-misuse-of-trumps-bloodbath-comment/news-story/f4bf9cbfc68ed623b82f1907bd58cbe5

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Politics is inherently manipulative, due to its nature. After all, politics is the discussion of how to best benefit from slavery.

Often, one political subject criticizes another political subject and believes he has won. The reality, however, is that the only way of winning the game is to become anti-political - not 'apolitical' and not 'nonpolitical'. ANTI-POLITICAL: hostility towards politics and all forms of imposed government.

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I like it.

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Mar 19Liked by Jeremy Mercier

They aren’t hypocrites…they are doing this on purpose. They have no principles, nothing good as a moral compass. They just can’t have Trump, so they will do and say anything. Is there a word for that? I don’t think it’s hypocrisy.

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What Trump said before he called some MS-13 gang members(when were they around, 80s, 90s?) "animals," he said "I'm not supposed to do this. I'm not supposed to say it, but I'll say it anyway," or words very much to that effect.

IOW, he was deliberately baiting the libs because he knew their heads would explode and talk about nothing but what TRUMP said, resulting in more attention for Trump. And of course the Dem Cult reacted exactly as programmed.

Trump's exposure of the Dem Cult's total failure to understand what a metaphor is was just an unintended consequence. The Cult, you see, has a duty to interpret everything Trump says in the worst way imaginable because they are required to believe that he is Hitler.

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I love being white, better, and more!

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Piss off, drone.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Jeremy Mercier

I'm trying to recall a single time the word 'bloodbath' was used in a literal sense, or even in reference to a legitimately violent incident; strangely, I cannot remember a single instance. But 'Trump,' so of course.

Concise analysis, Jeremy - well done!

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Thanks dude. 👊🏻

They’re still trying to hold onto the narrative. lol. Not surprised in the slightest.

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Mar 18Liked by Jeremy Mercier

THIS STORY is making me insane. The bald-faced lie, as bold as telling me NASCAR fans cheered “Let’s go Brandon” when I could with my own ears something very different.

Establishment bitches, intentionally distorting the truth for more than 50 years.

“If blood is going to flow, let it flow all over the city.” - Tom Hayden, Rioter (Chicago 1968)

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Mar 18Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Very nice here are some Fake News networks Fake News all of these MSNBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, NBC, CNN. PS: Major Newspapers

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Mar 19Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Anyone with corporate sponsorship has a narrative. Not news

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Mar 18Liked by Jeremy Mercier

I'm so disappointed. Every time I hear someone call for a bloodbath, I expect to see Rivers of blood flowing. Well, not really, but one can hope.

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Incite much, Botboi?

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Mar 18Liked by Jeremy Mercier

History is context. Pretty sure none of the examples you mentioned Incited a violent insurrection, prolly…..

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Do you consider January 6th a bloodbath?

And considering the context of this statement being economic in nature, is it fair to even point to it to draw a comparison?

Also, wouldn’t the misrepresentation of it as being some sort of call for violence be inflammatory, kinda like what people say about Trumps rhetoric?

Who’s at fault here?

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You’re a false equivalency‘s are endless.

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The point was to show how disingenuous the media and commentators were by claiming simply using the words was a call for violence if he’s not elected. Which in no reality can it be consider that.

No one was accusing them incorrectly of doing that when they used it in a similar context.

With every example I was being intentionally facetious.

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Mar 18Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Your right about that particular narrative. As am I. They are two separate issues entirely.

I never insinuated January 6 was a bloodbath. I called it exactly what it was.

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Since I've been blocked by the DNC bot “Hudson E Baldwin III” the entire event was a setup. I would hope they would just close the entire fascist totalitarian government down but too many are compromised so if there is a solution it must come from the states. https://open.substack.com/pub/doctorbuzzard/p/drawing-defining-lines-clearly?r=21v0ff&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The only blood that flowed was from Ashley Babbit.

Otherwise, it was a mostly peaceful protest. (See what I did there?)

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Shove that “peaceful protest” narrative right up your ass

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Wow, aren’t you a fine, considerate piece of human shit. Tell you what , man of three names with a fuvking legacy from great grandad. Fuck right off. When the shooting starts, you will be fun.

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Mar 19Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Lastly, it’s just my grandfather. If it was my great grandfather I would be HEB IV, proving my theory and concept about your stupidity…. you have single-handedly made me rethink eugenics

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Mar 19Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Why wait? By all means, come on down to the farm! I’ll square your shit away, Bruh. Typical empty headed mouth breather. Second grade playground shit. I don’t care how many fucking guns you have, you’re fucking stupid. I will walk through you motherfuckers like fire through gasoline. You can put that in stone, Bish.

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Do the same with your Violent Insurrection narrative.

Jan 6th was no more violent than a BLM protest or an Antifa protest. In some ways, it was more peaceful. There were no burning buildings, no murdered citizens, and no looting. The only discharge of weapons was done by the DC police when an officer shot an unarmed person.

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StFu Ivan.

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