Hypocrisy 101: ‘It’s going to be a bloodbath’
Bloodbath: a major economic disaster
This is absolutely ridiculous.
Trump literally said that some of the illegal immigrants in our country are not people, and called them animals. He was referring to those who are criminals, the ones who commit the most heinous crimes. There is plenty of ammo for them to use in just those statements alone.
Yet the main stream media and nearly every left leaning commentator felt it necessary to misrepresent his comments about the potential bloodbath that would ensue in the auto industry if he is not elected, following his comments on tariffs he wants to impose on China. He was clearly using this term in an economic context.
This was so stupid, I am left with no choice but to make this post pointing to the hypocrisy that’s on display.
I hope you enjoy the bloodbath.🤭
Here we can see how four years ago, Biden used the word “bloodbath” when referring to the primaries leading up to the 2020 election.
“What we can’t let happen is let this primary become a negative bloodbath. I know I’m going to get a lot of suggestions on how to respond to what I suspect will be an increasingly negative campaign that the Bernie brothers will run. But we can’t tear this party apart and re-elect Trump,”
Here we can see Keith Olberman using the term “bloodbath” to describe the end of his career. He cites the NYTimes and WAPO “correctly” recognizing how the specific use of the word, “doesn’t matter.” It’s Keith Olberman’s old rhetoric that counts.
Actually… it’s both his old and new rhetoric considering he just suggested there is still hope for Trump to be assassinated the other day.
Here we can see Joe Walsh owning himself as he once tweeted about a Republican “bloodbath” with Trump being at the top of the 2020 ticket. Was he inciting violence when he used the word “bloodbath”?
Here we can see NBC News using the term “bloodbath” with respect to a potential seismic shift upending what was to be a, “bloodbath of a midterm election.” Did they mean a violent and deadly bloodbath?
Here we can see Forbes using the term in the context of the crypto markets, a correct use of the term based on one of its dictionary definitions. Was this an even darker side of Forbes? Should we be concerned?
This one was really scary. Who knew there was a “bloodbath” at the RNC? May god have mercy on their souls…
One more for good measure. Did JR Horsting know that you can’t use the term “bloodbath” in a casual sentence when he used it in 2020? Is he also a “covidiot”?
And last but not least, a “bloodbath” compilation video I found on X, posted by Benny Johnson.
They’re all hypocrites!
The media are lowlife scum; they lie for profit. They're no better than Nazi disinformation con artist liars. Their ranks are dominated by low-IQ woke drones who regurgitate the lies spoonfed to them by the pedophile leftist regime. I'd never trust a media clown. They're beneath contempt.
When you stumble into the meeting of brain dead anonymous……,