There is no vast conspiracy perpetrated by individuals in Missouri or Texas in the act of committing voter fraud. Have you ever been there? These fucking yahoos aren't smart enough to come in from the rain. First of all, they are GOP super majority states. That happen to have a slim margin in registered democrats and Republicans. If your assertions are true, given both states have a super majority, is the GOP who are benefiting from and obviously the perpetrators of such no credible evidence voter fraud.

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Did I claim that there was?

I don’t recall claiming there was a massive fraud campaign.

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I am remiss. I should have mentioned that a podcast is not a credible source unless it is produced and narrated by a credible person.

Infer what you will.

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The data is available on the SSA website. It’s been tracked for years. States submit registrations and send in for verification of SSN on registrations. The data reflects the results of the SSA’s cross reference to their database.

The source is irrelevant because the source is the SSA.

If you want to contest the statements made by the Sec. of State office in Missouri, or Texas, that’s your prerogative.

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"Seemed to show"? Supposed evidence allowed in no court in the land. Not one.

Who is this HHH whatever a BCVS whatever the acronym is who have correlated these numbers and data points?

As a Missouri resident, I can assure you, if it was created or endorsed by the current administration, it is not legitimate. Our state executive branch is composed of criminals from top to bottom. Wasting taxpayers money and enriching themselves the dynamic of the day.

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Yes. Seemed to show. And with Texas’ statement regarding the ineligible registrants, it’s fair to say that it’s confirmed that data does in fact reflect deceased registrants in the hundreds of thousands.

They removed 457,000 deceased registrants from their voter rolls, and 6,500 noncitizens, 1930 of which had voting history.

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Apr 18Liked by Jeremy Mercier

nice share Jeremy Mercier

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Thank you 🙏

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Why are corrupt feral scumbag Democrats allowed to swamp the country with illegals & then advise them as to the minutiae of making themselves illegally eligible to vote?

The country is being destroyed b/c Dems are immoral corrupt haters of their own country. But also b/c Republicans are too complacent/indifferent to call it out. Whenever a Dem is found illegally assisting an illegal trespasser/invader of the country's sacrosanct border then both should be shot, preferably by a citizen.

Fuck the system that allows this. Just start shooting illegal invaders & Dems illegally assisting them. Just start shooting them.

We don't need just to get along. We need to start shooting the scum invading this country, & the even worse scum helping them, & the worst scum if all, the globalist scum orchestrating this. Kill. Them. All.

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"What would a racist dumb fuck ignorant tool would say" for 800, Alex!

You start with nebulous gibberish. Followed by lies. The percentage of illegals in this country is quite small. The majority of them flying here and overstaying a visa. Not coming across the southern border.

The following nebulous gibberish after your ridiculous assertions in the first paragraph are such absolute bullshit not connecting to reality, not even coincidentally, I'm not gonnac bother to unpack them.

You're guilty of incitement and sedition here. Obviously you're a fake ass piece of shit silicone chip Russian cyber account.

Feces filled skin bag is not a good optic, Ivan. Take your asshole elsewhere. Better yet, don't be an asshole

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Apr 17Liked by Jeremy Mercier

I completely get the Federalist concept of elections run by state legislatures, but, the whole reason for a Federal level is to oversee and insure uniformity.

Voter ID (valid, current, verifiable) should be the baseline default for all registrations, which enable a vote in a federal level election, period.

If cities, counties and states want to allow ghosts, criminals and illegal aliens to vote for their level of idiocracy, fine, let them self destruct, but it must be separated from the federal election.

Thanks for tracking down the available facts, but at this point, how much trust is there for any level of "LEA"? The voting machine manipulation companies lawyers have scared them all away from looking for the truth, the LBJ era race baiting has silenced all theories of vote harvesting from the gov't made ghettos and the deepstate shadow govt's control of the media has effectively bleached the minds of tens of millions of once proud Americans.

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Well we should always take official statements from govt with a grain of salt. I think that’s a given.

Regarding ballot harvesting, it’s not a secret anymore. Republicans are trying to do it too now where it’s legal.

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Ballot harvesting by the right will never solve the problems with election integrity. It may add a few votes for those with election apathy, but unless the right is willing to cheat and manufacture votes (and voters), rightside ballot harvesting is a distraction (in my opinion).

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LOL. This takes me back. My dad told me Lyndon Johnson won his first Senate race because more dead Mexicans in South Texas voted for him than dead Blacks voted for the Republican in East Texas.

The more things change, etc.

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Apr 17Liked by Jeremy Mercier

They'll do anything to make Texas blue.

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These are the people that insisted on a voter ID when we all know it’s super easy to get a fake ID and it damn near impossible to match an unseen signature.

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Well something is off. The SSA site has stopped reporting numbers for the past two weeks.

Texas claims the numbers are wrong. Missouri claims the numbers aren’t simply new registrants.

It’s all very suspect.

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Apr 17Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Do you really think any publication from Missouri is legitimate under this particular executive branch? Do you not realize this administration is more corrupt than the Trump crime cabal. Our governor committed contractor fixing in broad daylight and his first term, our Attorney General come senator had known about the slave labor and sexual exploitation of minors facilitated by a judge and county sheriff for a year and a half still nothing has happened. This administration removed the ability to vote straight ticket on any election ballot. They legislated the Kansas City police department devote 25% of his budget to law-enforcement. Why not school? Nothing this executive administration including the person that you are assuming is a credible honest broker is anything Equaling honest brokerage.

There are very few absolutes in this life. One of them is, if it’s recommended by the Missouri legislature, it’s self-serving, bullshit.

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Well what do you expect from me?

SSA won’t give any info. CISA won’t give any info. These are the statements given.

If they’re lying, it will come about. For now, this is the info available.

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Apr 18Liked by Jeremy Mercier

the only truth Jeremy Mercier is that they will lie until they can’t. And then hold the accountable parties harmless …

You could replace 2 floors of bureaucrats with Your candor alone!

well done Jeremy Mercier

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Apr 16Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Voter Fraud is controlled by the Democrats on a national level they are so far ahead of the scum bag Republicans it makes me sick.

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I’m still waiting to see what the deal is with Texas. They’re saying the numbers on the SSA site are wrong.

The site has not released any new numbers for two weeks now. 🧐

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Another state executive where the credibility of anything they say is absolute zero. NONE.

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