May 4Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Amazon also nuked Parler by pulling their AWS access because “insurrection”. There was nothing they should be commended for. Cowards don’t get medals.

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May 4Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Not that that was honorable either. After reading how the cia prepped Vietnam for that war, literally created the conditions to justify our involvement when we shouldn’t have never even been there? Fuck I want to harm some scum right now.

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May 4Liked by Jeremy Mercier

Seems to me they folded like a cheap suit but made it look honorable. These were the people that should have come out with the initial “ fuck you, free speech means free speech. Nothing less.

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AWS has massive government contracts. Zero chance that Amazon wasn’t aware that the Biden admin would happily endanger future contracts as retaliation.

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They folded faster than Facebook did.

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