The "My Sisters Soap Box" female comedy show, hosted by Windy City Bites, was a night filled with laughter, empowerment, and plenty of hilarious moments. The lineup of talented female comedians brought their A-game to the stage, delivering jokes and skits that had the audience in stitches.
Sara Manson kicked off the show with a powerful opening story about women's rights, setting the tone for the evening. Her Nixon comments hit well for my wife and I as my wife’s family tree crosses with Nixon’s.
UkaLady from Sioux City followed with a mix of original songs and covers, including a memorable masturbation song that had the crowd roaring with laughter.
Sarah King brought a fresh take on comedy with updated skits and new jokes, including some clever jabs at P Diddy.
Rebecca Gehm, who introduced as Zach Dresch's girlfriend, debuted two new parody songs that had the audience hooked, despite a rocky start as the songs went on and she found her groove, I instantly saw the potential. With time and practice, these song performances are sure to be a huge hit. Such great references used in them!
Aleda Windell kept the laughs coming with her dating jokes.
Jenni Russi, an Alaskan transplant from North Dakota, shared hilarious anecdotes about motherhood and therapy. Her comedic timing and relatable humor had the audience in stitches, with jokes about sex dreams and dic pics that had everyone laughing.
As a 65-year-old woman, Jenni brought a unique perspective to the stage, poking fun at her age and experiences. Her jokes about anal sex and masturbation brought a fresh and unexpected twist to the show, keeping the audience engaged and entertained. the cherry on top though is that she specifically called Sarah king out during the anal sex jokes. As I have heard Sarah King make her joke about anal sex being saved for marriage many times, the fact of playing off the locals jokes made Jenni really stand out to me.
The performers did a great job at managing their time on stage, ensuring that the show ran smoothly and kept the audience engaged throughout. The variety of comedic styles and topics covered made for a dynamic and entertaining evening.
Overall, the "My Sisters Soap Box" comedy show was a night to remember, showcasing the talent and humor of a diverse group of female comedians. With a mix of political commentary, musical parodies, and personal anecdotes, the show was a celebration of women in comedy and a reminder of the power of laughter. The locals I know had a ton of new material so similar to the Barnum circus “if you haven’t seen them lately you haven’t seen them.” So go support some local shows and even if you have see a skit in the past it’s time to see the new ones!
Were little red books required for entry to the hen house?