George Carlin is right
We live in an era where the truth is hidden behind nice words and euphemisms
Affirmation care, anti-racism, decolonization, mis/dis/ malinformation…
The list goes on.
These terms are used to obfuscate the truth. They are weaponized against honest people, and they serve their purpose when dishonest people capitalize on the average person’s inability or unwillingness to spend time seeking out the truth.
This is why free speech is so important. Without the ability to properly identify what it is that’s being criticized, either due to censorship or the use of euphemisms, people literally wont understand what it is they’re supporting.
The trend in western nations, most recently Ireland, is for the State to implement “Hate Speech” laws — laws purporting to be anti bigotry laws. But are they truly just “hate speech” laws trying to protect marginalized communities?
Even if we gave the benefit of the doubt to the authoritarian regimes implementing these policies, it would still be appropriate to categorize them as antithetical to free speech. The fear is these intrusive laws will be used to silent dissent. I share in this sentiment. The past half-decade is all the evidence needed to come to this conclusion.
Absolutely spot on!