Democrats have proposed a bill to prohibit militia activity in the US
The bill named ‘Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024’ would seek to criminalize “unauthorized” private paramilitary activity
It would seek to imprison people who violate it for anywhere from 1-5 years depending on the nature of the violation.
It would only take 3 or more people to be considered a “Private paramilitary organization.”
It shall be unlawful to knowingly, in a circumstance described in subsection (b), while acting as part of or on behalf of a private paramilitary organization and armed with a firearm, explosive or incendiary de-vice, or other dangerous weapon
publicly patrol, drill, or engage in techniques capable of causing bodily injury or death
interfere with, interrupt, or attempt to interfere with or interrupt government operations or a government proceeding
interfere with or intimidate another person in that person's exercise of any right under the Constitution of the United States;
assume the functions of a law enforcement officer, peace officer, or public official, whether or not acting under color of law, and thereby assert authority or purport to assert authority over another person without the consent of that person; or
train to engage in any activity described in paragraphs (1) through (4)
Oh, yeah! Just a few days ago someone posted a link to some website where you could supposedly join a militia in your state. The page itself was so "8 x 10 Glossy" that to me, it was immediately clear that it's some kind of psyop - for sure, a way to collect names of those willing to fire on gov't forces -- but also, no doubt, to trick gun-owning patriots into being brainwashed in one way or another. An Antifa-for-Conservatives, I'd imagine. Apologies for not remembering the name of the org nor of the man who posted it.
Where to start? How about the fact that the shit bird, er senator, same thing, misspelled publicly. Publically lol wut? Secondly this could be used to outlaw hunting, as it's an activity that could cause injury or bodily harm. It could also be used to criminalize the power of citizens arrest or even just stopping someone from committing a crime against you. But we know the government, especially Democrats, have no problem with any of those things. And I'm sure antifa would somehow be exempt from this act. It could also be used to shut down the right of the people to petition government for a redress of grievances. After all, it's not far fetched for your local leftist politician to say you speaking at a city/county government meeting is impeding the function of government. But by using the scare tactics of the big bad evil militia being stopped they can get the sheeple to support it. This is nothing but pure big government authoritarianism running roughshod over the rights of we the people.