Am I a threat to Democracy™
Free Speech is a pillar of democracy, not a threat to it
Good morning, and happy Saturday. I just wanted to make this post because I woke up to some DM’s on Facebook this morning that got me thinking — to be honest they got me a little worked up.
I was told I’m a threat to democracy because I support free speech. This was in response to a post I made on the Westminster Declaration — if you didn’t know, it’s a declaration signed by 138 artist, journalists, and intellectuals that warns of a shortsighted perspective on free speech and digital governance that’s mobilized social media companies, universities, governments, and NGOs to derange the free-flow of information.
Here’s what this person said:
“Fascism is purposely exploiting free speech laws to further their violence. We will learn this lesson the hardest because we will wait the longest to act. Hate speech isn’t political speech covered by amendment 1. It’s how all fascist leaders increase violence within democracies poising them for the take over. And again YOU are helping. You might not be MAGA only because you’re far more dangerous to democracy. They have sheer numbers of crazy. Your a wolf wearing a sheep’s skin.”
Are we really at the point where people genuinely believe free speech is the most dangerous thing to society?
Freedom of speech and Freedom of expression are a pillar of democracy, not a threat to it.
In my view, the technological advances that give such power to billionaires and corrupt politicians is a much greater threat to our democratic institutions.
With the rise of algorithms and this concept of “hate speech” that far exceeds legitimate hate crimes, those who decry fascism are directly supporting the cause they believe they’re fighting against. If you support massive multi billion dollar corporations acting as a proxy for government to conduct their bidding without the people’s consent, and in direct contradiction to the principles laid out in the constitution, you would be supporting this era’s version of “fascism.”
I’m speaking about the weaponization of technology and capital by government, with the intent of subverting the people’s constitutionally protected rights.
This is an actual threat to our freedom. You may not view it that way now because you feel as though those wielding such powers align with your interests, but one day, it will be used against you.